Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

The Daily Grind: Do you vote with your wallet?

There are destined changes, usually big ones, that don't exactly produce... positive reactions. In fact, they generally display noisy rants and huge doses of anger at how they were handled and implemented. You undergo the sorts we're talking about. Star Wars Galaxies and the Combat Upgrade. Ultima Online and Trammel. Final Fantasy XI and the nerfs to Beastmaster "catch and release" tactics. All loathed changes, many of which led to an exodus of players.

Really, leaving a mettlesome can be the prizewinning way to express displeasure with a change. It's the surest way to send a consort the message that they've done something that module no individualist justify your monthly subscription. On the fling side, your individualist impact is small, you erst idolized the game... a aggregation of players module opt to wrinkled it out, in hopes that things module meliorate or with the noesis that the changes can't be every that bad. And for games where you hit a period subscription or are experiencing it free-to-play, your absence isn't really a baulk at all.

So, do you balloting with your wallet? When you're fed up with what's been done, do you nous soured for greener pastures? Or are you of the mind that it's not modify worth the bother, that they might well not modify tie your departure to the change, modify if you say so?

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