Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Looking behind the scenes at Warhammer Online

When you are activity your selection MMO, how such do you think about what goes on behindhand the scenes? If your interest goes beyond generalized gameplay and lies within the actualised nuts and bolts of how it every works, Gamasutra has a feature that will interest you.

"Restless Entities Never Sleep" is a feature that takes a near countenance behindhand the scenes of Warhammer Online, exploring the multiple complicated processes that ready the mettlesome up and running. The feature explores the basics of how the servers ready the mettlesome up and streaming and what just they do, and continues with excerpts from a previous discourse with Online Technical Director Andrew Mann. They also counterbalance the challenges of disagreeable to reassert the servers and derogate downtime, as substantially as improvements planned (or hoped for) downbound the road.

As a few readers noted, it's an Intel-sponsored feature and it shows a bit, but that doesn't make it some inferior interesting to the tech-minded discover there. The full feature crapper be found here.

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