Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

One Shots: Goodnight, sweet prince

With the modify in the newborn year, we effort a inclined farewell to Dungeon Runners, which shuffled soured the Internets terminal night. It's ever depressing to wager an MMO go, especially a wacky, fun, free-to-play title. Thankfully, Massively reader Ripper McGee was on-hand terminal period to getting this screenshot from the test moments. We'll invoke it over to Ripper to explain:

Dungeon Runners was closed downbound for good at midnight terminal night/this morning. Here [is a shot] from yesterday. [This] is me on my important character incoming to the assail Steve Nichols naturalised in the region of Townston. All of the players acknowledged the assail would go soured at midnight, but it was actually just decoration. At midnight, we were all simply disconnected from the server.... Prior to that, though, the server population was completely full (first instance in a daylong time)!

If you hit some screenshots from the end of Dungeon Runners -- or indeed some sunsetted MMO -- we'd be pleased to feature them here. All you hit to do is to email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a hurried description. We'll place it out here and give you the credit!

Gallery: One Shots

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