Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

City of Heroes offers some Hero-Con highlights

If you were one of the some City of Heroes fans who wasn't quite healthy to attain it to Hero-Con, we offer our condolences. Even though you undergo that the information revealed there gets disseminated as fast as possible, there's ease a sense of absent discover on something big. And even though that event was a pair months ago, the injury belike hasn't quite attrited soured yet. But fret not, as Paragon Studios has given you loyal but not-necessarily-traveling fans a lowercase present. There are today individual podcasts acquirable on the official place with recordings from the famous event.

The acquirable podcasts allow the opening ceremonies along with the Going Rogue preview, discussions of noesis and model balancing, and the panel regarding the ongoing plot of the mettlesome among others. Audio calibre isn't perfect, but for a recording of a live event there's lowercase to kvetch about. If you'd prefer to listen on the site, there's a built-in player, or if you'd rather have them on your iPod (or other ambulatory player) they can be downloaded on the aforementioned tender in MP3 format. It's not quite the aforementioned as being there, but it certainly beats absent the experience all if you're a longtime fan of City of Heroes.

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