We endeavor sufficiency games on the organisation to undergo better than your cipher user. We're full aware that the organisation doesn't hate us, for digit thing. But we sometimes invoke it on, and dead encounter that our graphics card has definite to invoke into a miniature solarise within the plastic case, melting all of our valuable components into a reasonably-sized party bag at a instance when we can't really modify the thousand-odd dollars on a newborn machine. Thus begins the process of pulling things out, confirming that they're dead, calling tech hold and existence told that you should acquire a newborn computer, and you wondering where your gratifying daytime has gone.
Perhaps you didn't encounter your organisation feat nova. Maybe it definite to meet change to boot for no reason, necessitating a hard drive replacement. Or perhaps it was your connection erupting in a descent of unfortunate followed by a string of hold techs claiming to dispatch newborn grouping and lying. Whatever the case, in a hobby that seems to be constantly subject to a particularly draconic form of Murphy's Law, we communicate you: what's the poorest meltdown you've had? Was it the most expensive to fix, the most inopportune time, or meet preventative and disagreeable for some another reason?
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