Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

One Shots: An interesting point of view

Now here's digit we don't ofttimes wager -- an image captured from the monster's saucer of view. You can nearly center the skittering of chitinous legs across the ground, the crunch of weaponry into exoskeleton. And of course, it wouldn't be Age of Conan without blood and body parts air around. Today's disorderly One Shots comes to us courtesy of Niels W. who writes in: Hi! I've bespoken a screenshot of a nocturnal conflict scene against scorpions in Kheshatta. It shows the action-filled and kinda bloodstained conflict style that Age of Conan has to offer. I wish you savor it. It's sure digit of the most unique shots we've gotten in terms of combat!

One Shots is in requirement of your screenshots, so patch you're discover effort your mettlesome instance in, why not send us whatever of your images! It's easy to do. Just email them to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a quick description. We'll place them discover here and give you the assign -- incentive points for engrossing camera-work!

Gallery: One Shots

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