Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

One Shots: A decidedly un-dungeonlike dungeon

While the EverQuest II servers were down earlier today for fix to bring in the Frostfell Winter Event, whatever of our readers definite to go finished their screenshot folders and beam in whatever images for us. One of these beautiful pictures was this digit which comes from exclusive the Poets Palace happening in EverQuest II. Jolon Arcitenens from the guild Dragon Brood also sent along a hurried state to provide us his digit cents on this definitely undungeonlike dungeon: When I entered for the first time, [I] was amazed. Very beautiful.

Are you digit of the some EverQuest II players ready to intend their Frostfell on? Have you been enjoying your instance running like mad finished the newborn Freeport? Or perhaps you play a completely assorted mettlesome but would ease like to wager your adventures here on Massively. It's cushy to contribute! Just telecommunicate those to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a description - or your opinion! We'll deal it with the world and provide you the credit for sending it in.

Gallery: One Shots

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