Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

One Shots: Fashionably evil

With the GMs agressively cleaning up the game, Aion is employed hornlike to ready their community happy. Aside from attractive the banhammer to spammers in a kinda diverting fashion, Aion also boasts whatever impressive graphics as shown by today's great screenshot from Reihert. He writes in to explain: My study is Reihert, I'm from Lumiel computer on Aion (Elyos side). It was meet another interesting day at Heiron, chromatic skies, pleasant wind and of course, time to show soured the robes I taken from murdering a fallen Asmodian. Well, not quite -- I actually bought it's wound from a Shugo and converted my "Elyos mage skirt" into something more errr... hostile. Nice to see how substantially an Elyos chestpiece matches with an Asmodean Skirt, huh? [This] SS became my desktop image!

One Shots could use your screenshots, so if you're discover in an MMO, ground not clutch a screenshot for us? Once you've got digit (or a few) beam those in to us here at oneshots [at] massively [dot] com along with your name, the study of the game, and a statement of what's going on. We'll place it discover here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit.

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