We can't, sadly, aberrancy instance to go back a full year. Once we do something, for meliorate or for worse, we're cragfast with it. But we can essay and see from things that happened the last instance around, and there hit sure been things to see from 2009, which we touched on yesterday. That's where the whole practice of resolutions for the newborn assemblage comes from. And as we all know, the second-best artefact to obligate yourself to do something is to attain it public. (The prototypal is to hit someone following you around with a shotgun.)
So, today we ask you meet before the measure ticks over: what are you feat to do differently in the reaching year? Was there a azygos event that you learned from, or were there binary events that contributed to you wanting to attain a change? It could be anything from trying to refrain getting likewise invested in the pre-launch hype of a game to meet trying not to die quite so ofttimes when playing a disturbance character, but we're sure you hit at small digit thing you'd same to essay differently in the newborn year. (And if you do find a artefact to rewind time, please, permit us know.)
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