Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

One Shots: Courage

When you look up into the night skies over EverQuest II, you crapper see the broken relic of Luclin, the place we were prototypal introduced to the Vah Shir in EverQuest. Since those times, we hit come to know the Kerrans, relatives of the Vah Shir -- long in hiding on Norrath due to massive pain at the safekeeping of the Erudites. Today's steely EverQuest II One Shots comes to us from man MMO fiend, Ratwarlock (also known as Araxes) who writes in: [this] is a Kerra Troubador stagnant meet inside the incoming to the Temple of Cazic Thule, settled in the camp Feerott. This has been in-game since 2004, and I fuck the falls there.

Do you hit a great screenshot you'd like to share? Well don't be unsure and send it in! Mail it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the mettlesome it's from, and your description. We'll place it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you credit.

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