Senin, 28 Desember 2009

The Daily Grind: Did you return to Azeroth?

With the holiday slackening & downtime whatever hit had this terminal week, connected with the past substance of 7 life free to previous subscribers, whatever hit gone backwards to World of Warcraft. After all, it is still the dementedly Brobdingnagian pongid in the MMO room, and with the past constituent in connector 3.3, it's now very cushy to intend those instance groups you strength hit needed. Add to that the promise of holiday recreation with friends, and it's pretty cushy to wager ground whatever may verify Blizzard up on their offer.

On the another hand, there are a ton of games that hit either meet become out, or are feat to become discover this next assemblage that could be keeping grouping out. (Even if meet based on the "It's not World of Warcraft" mantra.) Also, there's the sheer fact that whatever folks are meet cooked out. Sure, you strength be getting groups faster, but you're still running the aforementioned old dungeons you were before. After a while, that sense of same-old-same-old sets in and it gets mind-numbingly dull again for some.

Ultimately, we've been curious how whatever did opt to verify them up on the 7 period offer, really. If you did go backwards for the 7 days, did you wind up resubscribing? Did you index in, wager every the idiots in your PUG/Trade channel/etc, remember ground you left, index backwards out, and delete the game? Or did you give the full abstract a transfer altogether? We'd love to hear from those of you who got the substance to become backwards as to what you did. Leave us your thoughts below!

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