Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

One Shots: Peace sells but who's buying

Ah Christmas! The period whatever fete will opt to fete with family, presents, beatific food, and a destined song most 'peace on Earth.' Meanwhile Darkfall has no real cease-fire in the ongoing hunt for amount domination. It's a gritty concern where the construct of letting your protect down even for a time crapper realty you in very bounteous trouble. Today's screenshot shows soured one much example, captured and sent in by Paragus, the co-leader of Inquisition and MMO blogger. He writes in to vindicate this tense scene: Going back to Darkfall for the Conquer the Seas expansion, the mettlesome has developed quiet a taste since my last visit. I was able to go out on a Barque collection board with whatever folks from Nemesis and Vamp to hostility the city of Apuatan. Needless to feature they were not bright most effort holes panting in their walls. All hands on deck: distinction up to convey fire against the city defenders.

Why not tie the recreation and send in your possess screenshots to be featured here on One Shots? We crapper ever ingest more to pick from! Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the mettlesome its from, and whatever other aggregation you'd same to provide us. We'll place it for everyone to enjoy and provide you the credit.

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