Senin, 28 Desember 2009

One Shots: Just a few more

Guild Wars players are by no effectuation insusceptible to the pass wackiness going on in the MMOGsphere. Indeed, they crapper be found enjoying costumes, seasonal quests, and more, meet as they hit every year. Of course, there's also the undercurrent of "hmm, astonishment how we'll fete holidays in Guild Wars 2" as well, but we can't blame them for existence excited! Today's great One Shots comes to us from Stephen, who definite to verify a time from his pass questing to inform backwards to us with what he's been doing. While activity Guild Wars with the newborn costumes, I nicknamed my Elemental The Death Mage patch wearing the Grenth costume. Here is a quick screenshot during a job run for Grawl necklaces.

If you've caught a engrossing ikon from your selection game, we want to wager it! Just email it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a description. We'll place it discover here and let everyone undergo every about your experience.

Gallery: One Shots

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