Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Final Fantasy XI finishes version update at long last

The test conception of Final Fantasy XI's today very inaccurately named Nov edition update has eventually gone live. As you haw recall, when the content-laden update eventually did go live, it was absent digit of the super newborn features promised, the evolith and synergy systems slated for inclusion. Square-Enix expressed that they would be available in a subsequent connector after the region of the month, which does mean that they're technically ease on schedule. But ground kvetch when there are newborn things to play around with? The essential saucer is that while a little belated, the newborn systems are today available for everyone.

Final Fantasy XI has the flooded connector notes available, which offers boost discourse regarding the execution of synergy and a few newborn bits regarding evolith itself. There's a super listing of the literal commands utilised in this newborn modify of crafting, which looks to be an entertainingly Byzantine minigame with a taste more of a skill-based factor than the game's usual crafting system. Read over the flooded notes, encounter some friends willing to defence incoming to a furnace that could explode at some minute, and gain the rewards of boost customization in the game. Maybe kvetch a little about how daylong it took in the process, if you have to.

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