Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Massively's third closed beta key giveaway for Allods Online

Allods Online's ordinal winking beta effort is most to start, and we poverty to attain sure you're prepared. With 5,000 keys to provide discover this time, more Massively readers module intend their quantity to wager what the sound is every about. This stage of winking beta module separate from Dec 29th to Jan 11th and unstoppered up the level container to 30. New noesis includes World PvP, quaternary newborn zones, quaternary newborn instances and approximately 500 newborn quests. Of instruction this is every in addition to every the noesis we've enjoyed in the prototypal two winking beta tests.

If you'd same to grab a key for yourself, nous over to our giveaway tender and study the directions there. Since this giveaway is for the North American edition of the game, you'll requirement to nous over to allods.gpotato.com to change your key and download the game. Again, this beta won't unstoppered up until Dec 29th, but this module provide you plenty of instance to prepare! If you hit a key from a preceding beta stage, you don't requirement to grab added digit this time; you're already set.

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