Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

The evolution of classes

Classes are digit of those bicentric components of our MMOs. From the primeval days of Dungeons & Dragons to the ingest of class based systems in MUDs, we've been relying on the concept of characters with unique sets of skills employed unitedly to get the job done.

Andrew Vanden Bossche over at Gamasutra has recently sat downbound and looked at everyone's selection FPS, Team Fortress 2, to analyze how classes have gone beyond their original roleplaying roots. While the article isn't just MMO-focused, it certainly does have direction on our music as we likewise begin to branch discover absent from the sword-and-board vision and into FPS region with games like Global Agenda and Darkfall.

So if you want to see how experience and bullets go unitedly while making gameplay more ethnic and fun, analyse discover the flooded article at Gamasutra.

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