Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

The Daily Grind: What was the best gift you received in-game?

It's Christmas period for those of you who fete it, and whatever your pore today is, presents are sure to be participating in whatever way, shape, or form.

Real-life presents aren't the only things existence exchanged -- the gifts are air in MMO-land as well. You'll encounter packages with pretty wrapping in nearly every game: descending from monsters, existence offered as hunt rewards, and offered by collectors (often in mercantilism for pieces of departed foes, but we essay not to conceive most what they do with them after we assistance them over.) The prizewinning gifts, though, are the ones received from your friends and guildmates in-game. The ones that were crafted or picked discover meet for you, because someone knew you wanted a primary miniature, weapon, or piece of armor. We fuck those gifts because they came from a someone who cared sufficiency to take whatever player time and effort with you in mind.

So today, we poverty to undergo what your favorite heritage from an MMO someone was. It doesn't hit to be the large and prizewinning poem weapon on the block, it could modify be whatever edition of a Christmas card, but it brought a smile to your face. So verify us most it, and bright holidays from Massively!

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