Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Free Realms: Evil snowmen are here to stay

Snowmen in the Snowhill area of Free Realms are null new, but lately they're a lowercase different. While they've got the basics of snowman fashion downbound -- top hat, scarf, sticks for arms -- these days they don't countenance quite as yawl and cordial as digit would expect a snowman to look.

They got a taste battleful during the holidays, and began attacking adventurers on sight, providing a recreation newborn challenge for Free Realms players. It seems to have been a impact with players, and it looks like their spirited newborn knowledge is here to stay. A state on the Free Realms site yesterday informed players "No digit knows who prefabricated the snowmen or who cast the illusion speech that animated them, but they are here to stay."

So if you enjoyed duking it out with the snowmen, and think you'll want some frosty modify labour deposit in the summer months, Snowhill strength meet be your newborn selection place!

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