Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Sony Online Entertainment offers in-game loot for social networking

Sony Online Entertainment has jumped on the social networking bandwagon with a vengeance, environment up Facebook and Twitter pages for Free Realms, EverQuest, and EverQuest II.

Of course, they poverty their contestant humble to get involved and analyse these sites regularly, but they also poverty you activity their games. How to fulfill both goals? Simple -- substance prizes for doing both, and substance them up to everyone via a fun newborn program called "ConnectDING!"

SOE has ordered whatever goals for followers and fans of the sites for every three games: 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000. Each instance they impact one of those milestones in a mettlesome they'll "DING!" and everyone in the mettlesome in discourse module be healthy to verify a lowercase gift. At 5,000 it module be 250 Station Cash, at 10,000 it module be 250 Station Cash nonnegative an mutual item, and at 15,000 everyone module obtain 500 Station Cash and added mutual item.

Check out the authorised aggregation tender for every the details, and then head over to Facebook and Twitter to make your prizes come modify faster.

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