Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Runes of Magic brings more new content with Gates of Acropolis patch

Runes of Magic has a pleasant holiday gift for its fans in the modify of newborn content, something we're ever bright to center about. Patch 2.1.5. -- enterpriser of the Acropolis -- brings the start of the Snowflake Festival, newborn elite skills for Elven characters, newborn quests, and an treatment of the being system.

The centerpiece of this patch, though, is the Zurhidon Stronghold, a sort newborn 12-man raid. The Zurhidon Stronghold continues the story began in "Rise of the Demon Lord." The defence is a huge bulwark placed by the Kamarupan as conception of their Acropolis on the Aotulia Volcano. Players crapper explore the defence in parties of twelve, navigating among the lava streams and yet attractive on Sirloth, diplomatist of the Demon Lord. The modify of the instance will bring most a battle with the Demon nobleman himself, so make sure you're well prepared!

The newborn noesis for Runes of Magic will be available tomorrow.

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