Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

One Shots: Doing the wave

While Allods Online remains behind closed (beta) doors, the folks at gPotato are allowing people to beam in their pictures for One Shots. There's been quite whatever sound most this game's graphics, with whatever engrossing write-ups out there in the wild. Just how the test game module appearance up module remains to be seen, considering it's ease in closed beta. This ikon comes to us from Sarah, who writes in: My character study in [this] picture is Willow from Allods. This is on the line to Siveria, in face of the falls there. I beam you a warrior's greeting!

If you're playing a game we haven't highlighted here recently, we'd love to see your screenshots. It's ever engrossing to analyse in on lands we don't ofttimes see! Just snap a concealment and beam it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your study and a quick description of the image. If we use your image, you intend flooded assign for sending it along. Couldn't be easier!

Gallery: One Shots

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