Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

One Shots: Take me to the river

While whatever areas up northerly are getting their prototypal dusting of snow for this flavour here in the US, whatever lands in Middle-earth are ease lovely, sunny, and comfortable. So if you've had sufficiency of winter, you crapper ever nous into Lord of the Rings Online like IGN Albar, who dispatched this in: Here's my someone Jhorge doing whatever sportfishing in a bonny sunset. Later he started a campfire and I restored every our stuff to keep streaming our quests. I have been activity nobleman of the Rings Online for most 2 months and is definitely the most incredible-lore-graphics of every MMO (and I've played a lot).

MMOs bounteous or diminutive - we poverty screenshots of them all! Just telecommunicate them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a hurried description. We'll place them out here and provide you the fuck for sending them in.

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