Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

One Shots: They have what you need

With Cataclysm on the artefact to World of Warcraft, whatever players are disagreeable to end meet which of the newborn digit newborn races they'll play. The Worgen - apparently recreation as you'll intend to be a werewolf. However, those Goblins - they've got the in when it comes to making money. This oldschool ikon comes to us from Jonis, who writes in: I found this screenshot from the World of Warcraft that I had from most 2005. It was my first time into Booty Bay and I had absent AFK on the docks. When I came back, I saw this effort of the liquid and sculpture and definite I had to screenshot it. I forgot it existed until I was feat finished my WoW folder deleting whatever old addons and screenshots. Anyway, intellection it would be worth sending in considering the Gobbies newborn role in Cataclysm.

Have you found an awful view on your travels? We fuck to wager every MMOs from large to small, but we requirement you to beam them in. It's rattling cushy to do - meet accumulation them to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the study of the game, and a hurried description. We'll place them here for everyone to enjoy.

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